Failing to freelance in data visualization

After freelancing in data visualization for a little over a year, I decided to call it quits. I reflect on what went wrong and what you could learn from my mistakes.

Jane Zhang
28 min readJan 24, 2022

If I had to identify the exact moment I knew I would give up data visualization, it was probably when I started to resent it. By then, I had freelanced for a little over a year. There were many factors as to why freelancing didn’t work out for me and it’s complex to pin down. I’ve reflected on what happened to me for a long time, and I think it’s finally time I write about it.

Before I begin, I want to add some disclaimers. First, everything I write in this article is specific to my own experiences. Everyone experiences freelancing in data visualization differently. I want you to think carefully about context. Second, I’m not comfortable with people looking up to me for taking the leap to freelance. I could do it because I had money saved up and I lived with my family. I know there are many people who would like to freelance but have restraints. I don’t think I took a big risk because it was one I could afford to lose. If you decide to take the leap, think about your own situation and carefully consider what risks you can take.

Why I am writing…



Jane Zhang

Data Visualization Designer. I provide a new perspective on how to see and understand the world.